21ST MARCH 00:00
Everything we've ever had the pleasure of releasing, officially or otherwise. All official releases linked on Spotify, so check them out to get that sweet, sweet Dunebug tingle in your ears :)
A 12 song album, completely written, recorded*, mixed, and mastered by ourselves, with our equipment and our knowledge. So much better than our previous releases that it gave us an existential crisis.
The first (and one of the best) songs we made for our debut album. Having its origins in early 2023, it was remade in a lab and cast into daylight for your unholy listening pleasure.
Apnoea was where we experimented with recording styles and learnt a lot about producing* an entire track by ourselves. Originally meant as a stand-alone single, it's found a new meaning within our album.
And yes, we** spelt it wrong on the release. Albeit a correct spelling, Apnoea is not the Apnea we knew and loved (and put on our cover art).
Recorded entirely at Electric Mistress Studios - and mixed by ourselves - our EP is a slice of time that brings us right back when we listen. It's imperfect in places and if you asked us about Cowboy Song we'd pretend and ask "Who?", but it holds a special place in our hearts and it's quite amazing to see how far we've come.
* - Drum tracks recorded at Electric Mistress Studios
** - By 'we', what we actually mean is Oscar (lead singer). He is now forced to triple check all releases.
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